Dave Schermer
Director of Communications | Ventura County Office of Education
How long have you been in the profession and what was your path to school PR?
I’m part of a sizeable group who came to school PR after a career in journalism. I got into TV news right out of college and worked as a reporter, producer, and news director at stations throughout the state. After the arrival of the internet dramatically changed the local news business, I decided to make a switch. I’m now coming up on ten years in my current role and I’m still putting my journalism experience to use every day. It’s been a huge asset in building relationships with our local media and knowing how to put real people at the center of the stories we tell about our schools. Familiarity with video storytelling and experience working under a daily deadline have also been invaluable as a school PR pro.
What do you like most about what you do?
My favorite part of the job is working to uplift a system that serves a vital public good. That’s especially true today as public education is increasingly under political attack. All of us in school PR have a profound responsibility to shape the narrative about the schools in our communities. We do this daily by shining a light on the many successes, countering the rumors, and reminding everyone why thriving public schools are a fundamental part of our democracy.
Tell us about a project you are working on or completed that you are particularly proud of. How did it come about? What impact has it had so far?
The ongoing concern about active assailant incidents at schools led to a project and a unique partnership that I’m particularly excited about. Last year, VCOE and the agency that insures our local districts launched a series of seminars about school safety. They’re held monthly and regularly draw hundreds of attendees from all of our districts plus representatives from local law enforcement. For one recent seminar about crisis communications, we had the opportunity to partner with CalSPRA. Executive Director Trinette Marquis and Board President Jessica Hull presented along with some of our local school district PIOs and a retired superintendent. The partnership is now expanding with a plan for CalSPRA to be an official resource for local schools to turn to for communications help. This will be especially beneficial for our smaller districts that don’t have a full-time communications person on staff.
What advice do you have for new PR professionals?
Adaptability and flexibility are key for anyone entering the field in this era when technology is evolving so quickly. So far, the scariest predictions about artificial intelligence haven’t come to pass, but its long-term impacts on our work are still to be seen. For now, it’s clear that AI is no substitute for communications pros who can combine compelling storytelling with a commitment to accuracy and a passion for public education. That said, we’ll all be well served by staying up to date on the latest AI tools so we can use them responsibly to enhance what we do. Also, the more you can round out your toolbox with skills like video editing, graphic design, and website management, the more valuable you’ll be to your organization. The bottom line… never stop learning!
The Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE) provides a wide variety of training and support services to our 19 local school districts and 13 charter schools that serve about 125,000 students. We also directly operate several schools for students with special needs and behavioral issues. Our Superintendent, Dr. César Morales, made history in 2021 when he became the first Latino to hold the position since it was created in 1873.